“Game Changer: NCAA’s Shocking New Stance on Cannabis Use Among Athletes – Find Out What This Means for the Future of Sports!”

What’s up Friends, I’m Jay B and welcome to Weed’s Great! I appreciate you being here with me! Let’s dive right into it!

Today, we’re discussing a groundbreaking development in the world of college sports and cannabis news. The NCAA is considering a major policy shift on cannabis use among student-athletes.

According to A.J Herrington of Cannabis Now, an NCAA Panel Recommends dropping cannabis from its banned substance list, marking a significant shift in NCAA cannabis policy.

The NCAA Committee on Competitive Safeguards and Medical Aspects of Sports (CSMAS) has recommended that cannabis be removed from the list of banned substances, stating that it is not a performance-enhancing drug. This is a topic that really piques my interest, not just because of its impact on the cannabis community, but also because I’m a huge sports fan, specifically college football.

The NCAA, which I often find to be a questionable decision-making organization, seems to be making a move that actually makes sense. However, this recommendation is not yet in effect and is subject to approval by the governing bodies of the NCAA’s three divisions, which I’m assuming means Division I, II, and III. If I’m wrong, feel free to correct me in the comments.

The committee also suggests that the NCAA adopt a cannabis policy focused on harm reduction, similar to its approach to alcohol use by athletes. This could be a major step forward in the NCAA’s approach to student-athletes and cannabis.

CBS Sports ran a similar story, discussing how the NCAA panel has recommended removing cannabis from the banned substances list and shifting its focus towards testing for performance-enhancing drugs. This is a significant development in the world of cannabis in sports.

Brian Hainline, the NCAA’s chief medical officer, stated, “Reconsidering the NCAA approach to cannabis testing and management is consistent with feedback from membership on how to better support and educate student-athletes in a society with rapidly evolving public health and cultural views regarding cannabis use.”

Interestingly, the NCAA reported that 24% of student-athletes reported using marijuana in the last year. It’s the second most commonly used substance within the student-athlete population after alcohol at 77%. Not surprising that college kids are going to have a drink or smoke a joint, right? In fact, I suspect the numbers are probably higher.

This story is fascinating for a few reasons, and that’s what we’re going to focus on today. We’re going to look at what has caused the shift in the NCAA’s perspective, the lack of evidence supporting cannabis as a performance-enhancing drug, and the potential benefits of cannabis for pain management and inflammation.

The NCAA’s shift in perspective may be due to the increasing legalization and acceptance of cannabis in society. Remember the case of Sha’Carri Richardson, the U.S. sprinter who was disqualified from the 2020 Olympics after testing positive for cannabis? That sparked a global debate about cannabis use in sports. The public reaction was mixed, with many supporting Richardson and others arguing that rules are rules. This case brought the cannabis debate in sports to the forefront.

The harm reduction approach could potentially lead to healthier and safer cannabis use among student-athletes. The NCAA already uses a harm reduction approach for alcohol, so this would be a consistent extension of that philosophy. Increased education could lead to safer use and a better understanding of the potential risks and benefits of cannabis.

Now, let’s talk about the lack of evidence supporting cannabis as a performance-enhancing drug. Current research does not support the idea that cannabis enhances athletic performance. In fact, from a high-level athletic performance standpoint, it may impair coordination and judgment. This lack of evidence contrasts with the perception of other substances, like steroids, which are clearly linked to enhanced performance.

Some people may perceive cannabis as performance-enhancing due to its potential benefits for recovery and pain management. Research suggests that cannabis may help with pain management and inflammation, which could aid recovery after workouts. This is a key point in the discussion of cannabis in sports.

The opioid use statistics in the NFL are frightening, with over 52% of surveyed retired players reporting opioid use during their career and 71% reporting misuse of opioids. Former player Calvin Johnson told ESPN how “team doctors and trainers…were giving [opioids] out like candy,” in locker rooms and at trainings. This is a serious issue that needs addressing.

New developments like CBG and CBC are coming onto the picture that could potentially help with these sports-related injuries and concerns.

As we wrap up, it’s clear that the intersection of cannabis and sports is a rapidly evolving landscape. The NCAA’s proposed policy change could be a game-changer, not just for student-athletes, but for the broader conversation around cannabis use in our society. It’s a topic that raises important questions about health, performance, and our changing cultural attitudes towards cannabis.

So, what are your thoughts on the NCAA’s proposed policy change? Share your opinions in the comment section.

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Based in Metro Detroit, Michigan, Weed’s Great is a cannabis content company that is dedicated to creating engaging and informative content for cannabis lovers of all demographics. We produce videos, blogs, podcasts, and social media posts that are designed to be both entertaining and educational, with the goal of promoting responsible cannabis use!

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