He Doesn’t Ask for Forgiveness—He Asks for Mercy: The Case of Edwin Rubis

In a world where cannabis is now legal in many states across the country, one man has spent 27 years behind bars for a non-violent cannabis offense. His name is Edwin Rubis, and his story is one that challenges our understanding of justice, mercy, and second chances.

A Father Behind Bars for Nearly Three Decades

Edwin Rubis was sentenced to 40 years in federal prison for his involvement in cannabis distribution in the 1990s—long before states began to legalize the plant for recreational and medical use. What once carried a harsh sentence is now considered legal, licensed commerce in much of the United States. Yet, Edwin remains in prison, separated from his family, missing out on time with his children and elderly parents, who are now in their 80s.

The years have passed, and laws have changed, but for Edwin, the weight of that sentence has kept him locked away, unable to see his family or build the life he once dreamed of.

Edwin’s Transformation and the Call for Clemency

Over the last three decades, Edwin has done everything in his power to turn his life around. He’s earned college degrees, mentored fellow inmates, and completed more than 30 rehabilitation programs. He has taken responsibility for his actions and worked tirelessly to contribute to the world, even from within the confines of prison walls.

Edwin doesn’t ask for forgiveness for his past—he asks for mercy. He knows he made mistakes, but those mistakes no longer justify the length of his sentence, especially when many are now profiting from the same actions that put him behind bars.

The True Essence of Clemency

The true essence of clemency is empathy, sympathy, and the belief that people deserve second chances. Clemency is about healing—not just for Edwin but for his family and community. Every day Edwin remains in prison is a day he loses with his children and parents. His parents are aging, and he deserves the chance to be with them while he still can.

Clemency is not about erasing the past—it’s about recognizing that Edwin has more than paid his debt to society and that his continued incarceration serves no purpose in a world that has evolved beyond the harsh penalties of the past.

A Plea to President Biden: Let Mercy Prevail

President Biden has the power to grant Edwin clemency, to right the wrongs of an outdated legal system that punished people like Edwin far beyond what is just. Edwin’s story is one of resilience, redemption, and hope. It’s not too late for him to rebuild his life, but time is running out.

We plead for mercy. Not forgiveness, but the chance for Edwin to spend the rest of his life with his family, to be there for his elderly parents, and to contribute positively to society as he has always strived to do.

How You Can Help

Your voice can make a difference. The movement to #FreeEdwinRubis is growing, and together, we can bring him home. Share Edwin’s story, raise awareness, and join us in calling for President Biden to grant clemency.

It’s time to show that mercy and second chances are still core values in our justice system.

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Based in Metro Detroit, Michigan, Weed’s Great is a cannabis content company that is dedicated to creating engaging and informative content for cannabis lovers of all demographics. We produce videos, blogs, podcasts, and social media posts that are designed to be both entertaining and educational, with the goal of promoting responsible cannabis use!

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